Senin, 16 April 2012

Minggu, 01 April 2012

words of motivatio

We judge ourselves of what we think we can do, while others judge us by what we've done. Therefore if you think you can, do it immediately
Instead of slow growth that should you fear. However, you should be more scared to not grow at all. Then cultivate yourself with it at any speed.
If you're right, not too bold, and if you're scared, do not be too scared. Because balance is a determinant of the precision of the attitude of your success journey
Our job is not to succeed. Our job is to try, because in trying to discover and learn why we are building a chance to succeed
You just close to them that you like. And often you do not avoid people who you dislike, but from him that you will recognize a new perspective
People who stop learning will be the owner of the past. People are still learning, will be the future owner
You will not be a new personal work, if you insist to keep your old ways. You will be called new, but only if you are new ways
Elderly people who are opportunity-oriented young people who never age, but youth-oriented security, has been since a young age
If you have not found a job that suits your talents, whatever bakatilah your current job. You will appear as bright as a talented
We have more respect for the courage of the poor than the rich who are cowards. Because it actually has clear differences in the quality of the future that would like to achieve
If we only do we already know, when we will get new knowledge? We do not yet know is the door to knowledge
Do not just avoid the impossible. By trying something that is not possible, you will be able to achieve the best of what you might accomplish.
One of the harshest pengkerdilan in life is to let the brilliant minds become a slave to a lazy body, which put the breaks before fatigue.
If you are looking for money, you will be forced to seek the best service. But if you put a good service, then you are going to look for money
Hope is prayer in action. He had forgotten to pray but to act, have more right to expect; than he who only prays but does not act.
Whatever you do in earnest today are the building blocks of your success in the future, especially if you are smart you choose to do today.
Faithfully pursue the completion of the opening of all possibilities. Large stones continue to be hit before it breaks. Then your heart must be stronger than your problems.
A computer can replace the role of ordinary people. But there's no computer to be able to replace the role of an extraordinary, just like you.
The right attitude is all the major determinant of success. Anything that big and high quality but without the right attitude, will be a big waste.
Notice. Almost all of our problems because we are just adjusting to the problem, but did not finish it. Whatever your problem, facing right now.
No amount of effort which can make you successful in the way and wrong way. Make sure the choice of method, careers, and the right business toward your goals.
Berketetapanlah in choosing, and choosing, berketetapanlah. Provisions will act facilitates the successful and correct errors in the vote.
A small plan is done well, is more valuable than measures that dream was never implemented. What is more action, more appreciated.
Whether people agree with you because of rank, money, or your office; or because you really? Is like when you rank, rich, powerful, and true?
If you have time to complain, there are definitely working hard to eliminate the source of the complaint. The precarious arise because we ignore the important
Successful leaders, prioritizing the completion of any work the best, because of the success achieved through either completion of all work
Knowing what to do, then immediately do so, are two different things. Only a superb individual who firmly and hasten to do both
Do not be discouraged if you only own and minorities in the opinion. One person with the right opinion and a powerful determination to be the majority
Build an affinity for making that had been deemed "impossible possible". Enabling a reputation as the strongest reputations in the face of the earth.
Concentration is the ability to focus on one priority, the priority to do just that, at a time which is whole, and with the best.
A state of matter when you are focusing on how it deter you, but it will be a challenge when you are focusing on how he made you more creative.
Kecermelangan door opener key financial and life is not the intelligence or capital, but the determination to be loyal to the processes distinguished at all times.
In quiet contemplation, anyone who can find a brilliant idea. But the idea was just a run in the busyness of life that will achieve the brilliance.
Bersungguhlah small when your expectations. More bersungguhlah when you might lose and the more serious-indeed it was unthinkable when you win. That is faith.

sages that contain stories of motivation

Starting From Small ThingsFebruary 3rd, 2012 by
Heru applying for a job as a sales employee at a Department Store which is very large. When the interview, Mr. Sastro, head of sales, are a lot of work so it does not want to linger an interview.
"You go in tomorrow and we'll see ketrampilanmu in selling goods," said Mr. Sastro.
The next day the time passed very slowly for Heru. When the workday ends, in the spirit he goes to see his boss in his office preference.
"How? you managed to sell goods to how many people? ", said Mr. Sastro
"One", said Heru
"One ...? All the staff here used to sell for 10-20 people. What is the value of the transaction? ", Said Mr. Sastro
"Two and a half billion dollars", said Heru
"Huh, how is it possible?", Said Mr. Sastro
"A middle-aged man entered and then I offered him the hook. He bought all three sizes: small, medium and large. Therefore, he needs three hook as well. When I asked him where mancingnya, he says in the sea, meaning he needs a boat. I took him to the sale of the boat and he chose a large boat with two engines. He said that his car would not be able to bring the boat to the shore. So I take him to the sales of cars and he bought the Deluxe Cruiser is the latest model, "said Heru
"Crazy ..! You sell it to someone who initially wanted to buy the hook? "
"Bos does engga too. At first he would like to buy sanitary napkins for his wife. Then I said, "Saturday night you definitely sucks, why engga go fishing instead?". Anything is possible. be creative .. be postive!
Many stories about living wisely, motivational quotes and inspirational collection of stories and others in CeritaBijakMotivasi.Com you can read the story the next time as wisely Starting From Small Things above man!. Oh ya need to know the story of inspiration and motivation on this site were donated by visitors as well as from many sources, and the property of the author, creator and original writer.
After reading the story wise above Starting From Small Things, of course, there are lessons we can take as a medium of learning and make our lives better is not it?, So if you love starts with small things, story wise, this little aphorisms, stories about the motivation of sales , the motivation of small things, the motivation to sell, sell wisely, inspiring story about the sale, the story of the old sage, wise old story, Small but wise, inspirational story of the little things become besra, said the wise little things, ceriterav sales motivation, skilled story, sales motivational stories, motivational stories sell, wordpress story wise and story wise exemplary stories, and find it useful, please tell your friends and other people with spreading via Facebook Share.